Friday, August 31, 2018

Life Lately

Hi everyone!! I thought I'd sit down and do a quick update on what we've been up to the past month since our move back home. Things have been SO good, but so, so busy!!!

We had all of the furniture that we had in storage delivered the day after we flew home (thank you, Pro Movers!!) but we still have two more phases to our move. Our "air shipment" was packed up shortly after we left which has most of our clothes, shoes and kitchen stuff in it (pots and pans, dishes, silverware, etc...) and we're hoping that will be arriving soon...they said it would take 2-4 weeks and Tuesday marked 4 weeks so fingers crossed we get a call about delivery soon. Just before Chris flies back for good at the end of September they will pack up our "sea shipment" which is the kid's toys, our photos, bikes, etc...) THAT should take 6-8 weeks so we'll see how it goes ha! 

I'm so lucky my sister lives in the neighborhood so I'm able to "shop" her house often for things we need...and of course, I've been no stranger at Target (guilty!)

The kids have been doing great and are so happy to be home. School started this week and it's like they haven't missed a beat. Their classmates have welcomed them back with open arms and it's like they never left...I have been brought to tears with the kindness and love showered upon our kids. While we had a short summer since school only wrapped up in Germany a month before school started here we were still able to do so much !! We celebrated a family wedding in Indianapolis, spend a week in Spring Lake with family, have a belated 40th birthday celebration for Chris, have some pool days at BHAC, some super fun outings with great friends and another fun lake day with family on Bald Eagle Lake. We've also just spent some cozy days at home hanging with family...Life is good!! 

We're slowly getting used to the fast-paced American lifestyle again, but I'm trying like crazy to slow down and not get too wrapped up in the " go, go go" of it all the activities and events. It's a really tough balance as the kids are getting a little older and wanting to participate in after-school sports and activities but I'm really making a conscious effort to try. Allie is playing volleyball and Michael is doing flag football and will also start swimming. Mary is doing a little gymnastics class and Emily has a weekly swim lesson and dance class that is starting soon with her little buddies. One activity we're really excited about is the German lessons the kids will be taking. There is a German language school that offers classes one afternoon a week at a local middle school. It is geared towards German expats living here or German families who are living in the US, but they also offer a German as a Second Language program which is perfect for our kids! Allie, Michael, and Mary are all fluent in German and we really don't want them to lose it..they had to work SO hard to learn it!! So on Thursday evenings, they'll be taking German lessons. We didn't register Emily this year because she's still so young (3.5) and she really doesn't know very much German to be honest. She can understand a bit and answer back in English but for now, we think she can probably get just as much out of watching some of her favorite cartoons on Netflix in German and we'll see what the future holds. 

We're all missing Chris like crazy and I'm so thankful for facetime. He will be home September 27 and we cannot wait!! His timing is perfect as he'll be home just in time to celebrate Oktoberfest at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs which is a super fun weekend at our parish and school that includes a 5k race, live music, carnival rides, beer tent, bake sale, raffles and more! We're all excited for Oktoberfest this year in case you can't tell! ha! And yes, our kids will probably be wearing dirndls and lederhosen!! 

Thank you all so much for all of your love, support and prayers during this time of transition...we continue to feel so lucky, so supported and so loved. 

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