Sunday, December 3, 2017

Emily, Zizi, Emi, Em, Emmers, Emanee...

The girl with the most names in our family...Our sweet Emily Nicole is 3 today!! I can hardly believe it!

 This girl is kind of stuck in my mind as an 18 month old (last baby problems!) but she does so many things every day to remind me she is NOT a baby!! She is a big girl who wants to keep up with the other kids and is not afraid to make a little noise in the process...homegirl can stand on her own two feet and isn't one to back down. She is strong and stubborn...totally don't know where she could have gotten that from (ha!) She is my little side kick and I have absolutely cherished the one on one time we share. 

The SASS is strong with this one, and she cracks us up with her little attitude. She loves (LOVES) to sing and dance around the house...and she for sure thinks she is Moana, or Elsa, or whatever song is on that she is performing to...she is obsessed with "bear" which is her little pink lovie, and she ALWAYS goes for the lips when giving a smooch (the cheek doesn't count!) She fiercely loves her brother and sisters and has such a unique relationship with each one. It is so fun to watch!

I get emotional around all of the kids birthdays, but especially with Emily. Probably because she is the baby of the family...We sure love our Zizi girl and can't imagine our lives or our family without her! Happy 3rd Birthday, Emmers!!!